Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Free from the strangle hold!

Freebird is playing in the background as I type this post. Why you might ask? I have been released from bondage and left to roam with the big boys. If you close your eyes and imagine for just one moment. Class is excused and a hoard of young boys gather around a nice and calm man. Gradually these young men converge and with all the gumption they own they begin rubbing the bald man's head. This man was only to be saved from his ultimate doom when mom of #1 leader boy emerges from the other room and shoos all of the leaches away. Laughing are you? That was me about a week ago in the hall waiting to go to sharing time with my class.
THEN comes the attack of the "ladies" of the other classes. Certainly they must find and practice attacking me all week. Just to unleash on the innocent. Making it worse is the fact I am all by myself. Usually us men hunt in packs, but when stranded I am hopeless as being in a strip club with no singles. At this point I have no one to hear me grunt and cheer when I score a hit on the enemy. The "leaders" are of no help either because they hold those X chromosomes also. I want to stick my head deep in the sand like an ostrich so I can avoid the onslaught. Ode to the primary!
Just kidding, I am sad to be moving up and away from good friends and sisters that I think I can call my friends. I like to tease all of the Presidency and other teachers too, but I love them all and loved the kids I tried to serve. I always tried my best in my primary calling, I hope that I can progress in my new adventure too. Next time you sneak by the open class room door and don't see us kids playing a game or talking about something other than the lesson just remember I am now in the young men, heaven help us!
Now the young men have free access to rub my head and I have no protection.


Julie said...

Join the club....Gabe is also in the YM presidency. Good luck in the new calling.

Aly said...

I think that you did a FABULOUS job in Primary and you will be very missed!!

I am actually very excited for you in your new calling. I think that it will be an awesome group of guys to work with! You guys will have more fun than is probably allowed in a church calling...and before you know it all those boys will be right back under your care!!