Saturday, August 30, 2008

School thoughts

Chris has started Junior High this week. What a transition for our family. Jill and I have encouraged him to be involved in school. After watching the Olympics these last 2 weeks he really wanted to play volleyball, but after practicing a couple of days and watching the other kids at school he decided that was not for him. Cross Country is what he settled on and Friday after school I get an IM message on my computer. It said "Dad.... I made the team" That was it short and sweet. Of course some of you maybe snickering a bit because you have seen Chris run. I think this will be good for him and get him in batter shape for baseball.
I have had the opportunity to drop him off at school a couple of days this week. I was a little nervous to see him run off to that big school, but I think things are going well. I am glad we have had such good luck with our kids in school. I hear all of the time about families struggling with teachers and other students. Chris has been in a few fights and Kolbie struggled with a couple of her teachers, but for the most part the kids have been able to get involved and pursue their education to the fullest.
I think that schooling is very much and individual sport. Meaning the student needs to learn for himself. It is alot like life. Sometimes life does not always roll us winners. I really wish that I could stand over my kids everyday and help them through their problems, but I know that I cannot always be there. The kids amaze me at what they can figure out. There is a rash of parents we know that a home schooling. That is great for them, but I am glad my kids go to public school. For some families it works good to have Mom teach the kids, but it would not work for my kids. They need other influences on them to help them learn. I can see where home school would make my kids "book" smart, but I feel they would miss out on the other learning opportunities at school.
We made it through this week without any major problems. The girls do not want to go to bed at a decent hour so we have the ongoing fight every night until they finally crash. Funny story... Chris came home on Thursday and said he had failed the dress code inspection. Mind you he was wearing the polo we bought for him at the school. He turned to Jill and said "Don't worry Mom, I told them that this was either the right shirt or we wanted our money back. What will it be" I guess the teacher got this funny look on her face and said Oh maybe that is the right shirt.
--- Greg


The Wibergs said...

How funny (the dress code bit). You know it's a load when even the people enforcing it don't know what's ok. My niece started kindergarten at a uniform school--only thing is she's the only kid wearing the uniforms. What's up with that? (My sister loves it though because they don't have arguements over non-matching clothes--it's all blue, white, or khacki.)

I guess we're included in the rash of people you know homeshcooling now. You're right, there are good benefits to both methods of schooling for sure.

Chuck said...

Greg.... Chuck here. Did you know that the QB for Florida and Heisman Trophy winner was home schooled until college? Home schooling is only for the big kids. It isn't an easy task. First you must be weird and you maybe have a slight odor. But all in all I will say it is sad to see how much the public programs send us in teaching supplies vs what our kid received when she went to public school. I have too much crap in my house from this program. You know where do I put the globe, map, library books, George Bush rules sticker for the no child left behind crap.

Aly is still waiting for our licence plate cover that says "Home schoolers are so weird".

That is awesome about Chris and track. I get so bored running, that is why I am "Husky",

Chuck said...

Greg, did I mention Annie was the student of the week for her first week back in 2008?

Greg said...

I guess my kids are not "big kids", No big deal I realize that my kids will not be Tim Teebow.

Chuck.... does that mean you are going to vote for Barack this time around?

Jill said...

Greg didn't say home schooling was bad, it's just not for us. No one ever said that home school was easy.

Aly said...

Jill, I think that you completely missed the humor that Chuck was attempting to portray in that comment! He laughed the whole time he was typing it, and thought that Greg would get a kick out of it! We fully realize that home school is not for your family nor do we ever want to try to convert you or anybody else for that matter. It is a very individual choice that only each individual family can know what is best for them.

The Tim Teebow part was simply a reply to Gregs quote, "I can see where home school would make my kids "book" smart, but I feel they would miss out on the other learning opportunities at school". Chuck was just pointing out that you don't have to attend public school to be capable of succeeding socially. We don't have any unrealistic expectations for what our kids will become either...we just want to make sure that we are providing for their current needs, unfortunately the school was not providing that. I also would like to mention that my intentions are not to "stand over my child" and shelter her...I realize that will do her no justice in life. For us, we just have to work harder to find OTHER social outlets for them at this time:)

I am in full agreement with Greg, there ARE things that Annie misses out on daily by not attending school. There are also things she would miss out on daily BY attending school, as well as things that we have now found she was surpressing (sp) by attending school.

Hopefully that clears up any mislead feelings you might have drawn from Chucks comment.

Greg said...

I am glad that I got the blood boiling a little bit. I think home schooling is fine for some, but just not for my family. My kids all like public school and I see no reason to ever change that.

I think Abe Lincoln was home schooled! But there are just as many or more that are public schooled. Sorry

Aly said...

I see no reason for you to I said, I enjoy your posts and they often make for good conversation. There certainly are a LOT more people in the world that attend public school vs. home school. I've said it before, you may see us back in the public school if it fits the need.

I only wanted to clear up any misunderstandings of what you might assume are my blood boiling here, just clarifying:)

Chuck said...

Hey I think everyone needs an education. I have no opinion on the schools other than invest in the kids. We only have one shot at it. Please keep in mind our kid was not being challenged nor were her papers being graded. As for Big Kids.... I mean nothing against kids that would be refering to us old folks. Besides that when it is time for athletics I believe you need to be around your team mates for the camaraderie.

How will I vote will ONLY be determined by the way Jill votes. Maybe I will decide by which color I like best. Or even better I will add up the total offensive scores from BYU and Utah and whoever scored the most offensive points through September will get that color voted for in the election.

That should get Jill boiling.

Jill said...

Chuck, believe it or not, I really don't care who you vote for. Because I know your WRONG!!!!!!! Unless you agree with me!!! LOL!!! BTW: this was Greg's post, not mine. :)

Jenny said...

Go Chris. that is funny

Jill said...

Hey Aly, please call me.